Dear Customers,
When processing orders, inquiries and comments of our customers and during fulfillment of contractual and legal obligations, your personal data and personal data of your employees and representatives may be processed by the company SPEED LEASE a.s., with its registered office at Benediktská 690/7, Staré Město, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic, Identification No.: 62912691, registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section B, Insert 13469 (“the company SPEED LEASE”), a member of the SIXT Group network (the description of this group is available on the website address at: We would hereby like to provide you with some basic information on the processing of such personal data. You may also find more information about the business activities of the company SPEED LEASE on the following webpage:
The company SPEED LEASE processes personal data of individuals (the “Customer”) fully in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, which repealed Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) and which became effective as of 25 May 2018 (the “GDPR”), and has adopted all necessary technical and organizational measures for the purposes of data protection in accordance with the GDPR’s requirements.
The company SPEED LEASE processes personal data of Customers and also personal data acquired by the company SPEED LEASE based on and/or in relation with an agreement, for example rental or lease agreement, agreement on issuance of customer benefit cards, concluded with the Customer or a third person (the “Agreement”) and/or based on the express consent of the Customer. The purpose for such processing of personal data of the Customer is to enable fulfillment of the Agreement, compliance of the company SPEED LEASE with obligations stipulated by binding legislation, and assessment, enforcement or defense of legal claims of the company SPEED LEASE - all of which is always in compliance with the obligations and rights following for the company SPEED LEASE from the GDPR regulation.
Customers are entitled to contact the company SPEED LEASE in relation to the processing of their personal data at the e-mail address:, or in writing by mail delivered to the address: SPEED LEASE a.s., Lighthouse Towers, Jankovcova 2c 170 00 Prague 7 – Holešovice, Czech Republic, in both cases marked as “Data Protection”.
The personal data of the Customer will be processed only for such period of time that is necessary for the fulfillment of the purpose of its processing and, eventually, for the time period for which the consent of the Customer has been provided. After such time period lapses (or the purposes of processing will cease to exist or the time period for which the consent has been provided will lapse), the personal data of the Customer will be discarded (by shredding or by any other manner, which will secure that any non-authorized party cannot become acquainted with such personal data); eventually, such personal data will be made anonymous.
Customers have a number of rights related to the processing of their personal data including, particularly, the right to request access to his/her personal data from the company SPEED LEASE, its rectification or erasure, restriction of processing of the personal data, right to object to processing or manner of processing of the personal data, and also a right to data portability of the personal data - all of which are in compliance with the conditions stipulated in the GDPR regulation.
If a Customer of the company SPEED LEASE is of the opinion that his/her personal data has been processed contrary to the legal regulation or is not correct, he/she has a right to contact the company SPEED LEASE with a request for remedy. If the request of the Customer is found to be justified, the company SPEED LEASE will without undue delay remedy the defective condition. The right to file a complaint directly with the Office for Personal Data Protection ( is not restricted by the above.
Provision of personal data by the Customer is a contractual requirement and the Customer does not have an obligation imposed by legal regulations or by the GDPR regulation to provide personal data to the company SPEED LEASE. However, for the company SPEED LEASE, provision of personal data in a necessary extent is essential for conclusion and fulfillment of the Agreement or for execution of other requests of the Customer (e.g. name, surname, birthdate and other personal data of the Customer are a necessary part of a lease agreement, whereas without them these Agreements are not validly concluded).
The company SPEED LEASE submits to the Customer consents with the processing of personal data in the following two manners: (a) physically, at the branches of the company SPEED LEASE, and (b) electronically, by ticking off the consent on the websites run by the company SPEED LEASE or on the websites of the members of the SIXT Group network (especially,,,, Part of these consents is further information about the processing of personal data of the Customer, especially a specific list of the personal data of the Customer and the purposes of its processing.
You may also find a template consent with the processing of personal data containing further information about the processing of personal data, particularly a list of the type of personal data of the Customer and purposes of its processing in a following separate document: “Consent with the processing of personal data”.
For securing fulfillment of the Agreement, the company SPEED LEASE is entitled to transfer personal data of the Customer to other persons (e.g. companies that are part of the SIXT Group franchise network and that provide the Customer with part of the services in accordance with the Agreement). Such persons are obligated to maintain the same level of protection of the personal data of the Customers that is followed by the company SPEED LEASE, whereas such level is always in accordance with generally binding legal regulations and the GDPR regulation.
The company SPEED LEASE, as a member of the SIXT Group franchise network that runs the common administrative and operating system named Cobra, would like to inform you that within the operation of the Cobra system a transfer of personal data of the Customer abroad occurs in some instances for the purposes of fulfillment of the Agreement (e.g. in case of returning a rented vehicle by the Customer in a country different than the country where the vehicle has been rented), or for the reason of more effective provision of services to the Customers.
Access is provided to this operating system to persons residing in territories of European Union member states as well as Iceland, Norway, Lichtenstein - and also to persons residing in such third countries where the European Commission has decided that such third country ensures an adequate level of protection of the personal data.
Access to this system is available also to persons from the SIXT Group franchise network residing or performing the processing: (a) based on provided sufficient safeguards between the company SPEED LEASE and such person, if there is no decision of the European Commission that the third country in which the personal data is processed by such person has secured the appropriate level of protection of the personal data (in such a case, the Customer is entitled to request copies of such sufficient safeguards on the basis of a request delivered to the company SPEED LEASE), and/or (b) on the basis of the binding corporate rules for the company SPEED LEASE and for such third person that has secured the appropriate level of protection of personal data.
You may find further information about the processing of personal data of the Customer and its transfer within the SIXT Group franchise network and to other (sub)contractors of the company SPEED LEASE in a following separate document: “EN Privacy Policy”.