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These Terms and Conditions of SPEED LEASE a.s. are to amend the rentals of motorhomes and caravans, and supplement and expand the General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the “GTC”) of the lessor, SIXT car rental, operated by the company SPEED LEASE a.s., Ident. No.: 62912691. They enter into force and effect on 1.1.2021 and are an integral part of each agreement on lease of motorhome (also referred to as “lease agreement”).

The minimum period of motorhome / caravan rental is 4 days; in the high season 7 days. When renting for less than 6 days, a service fee of CZK 1,500 including VAT is charged. For all rentals, the mileage limit is set at 250 km / day; the price of the above-limit km is 5 CZK / km including VAT. For rentals longer than 6 days, neither a service fee is charged. For long-term rentals (longer than 14 days), there is also the possibility of a chargeable delivery of a motorhome anywhere in the Czech Republic. One-way rentals are not allowed; individually agreed exceptions may be agreed in writing in the rental agreement.



The lessee is obliged to pay the lessor the contractual price for the use of the vehicle. The tenant is obliged to pay 50 % of the total amount no later than 48 hours after signing the lease. The lessee is obliged to pay the rest of the rent at least 14 calendar days before handing over of the vehicle by the lessor to the lessee. A security deposit of CZK 30,000 is required by the lessor from the lessee before handing over the vehicle, either on the basis of an invoice by bank transfer or on the spot when handing over by credit card. The deposit will be refunded in full, provided that the vehicle is returned in a clean and undamaged condition, without missing equipment/accessories, and at the agreed time and place. The fuel tank must be fully refilled; the toilet must be emptied. If the toilet or waste water tank is not emptied, a cleaning fee of CZK 1,500 including VAT will be charged. The water in the vehicle is not drinking water. The deposit will be sent to the lessee's account within 10 days of returning the vehicle to the lessor. In case of damage to the vehicle, the deposit will be returned to the lessee after securing and quantifying the necessary repairs reduced by amount necessary to cover the damage. The preferred method of payment is by bank transfer.

Payment for rent includes:

Compulsory motor third party liability insurance, international liability insurance - green card, accident insurance, motorway stamp for the Czech Republic, and specific assistance services.

The rental price also includes usage of equipment/accessories for the car / caravan for everyday activities on the road - a list of this equipment/accessories is part of the "Handover protocol for the motor home".

In case of withdrawal from the contract, the lessee is obliged to pay a cancellation fee:

  • In the event that the lessee withdraws from the lease agreement or cancels the lease agreement 50 or more days before the start of the lease, a cancellation fee of 5 % of the total amount of the rent is payable by the lessee to the lessor.
  • In the event that the lessee withdraws from the lease agreement or cancels the lease agreement 49 to 30 days before the start of the lease, a cancellation fee of 33 % of the total amount of the rent is payable by the lessee to the lessor.
  • In the event that the lessee withdraws from the lease agreement or cancels the lease agreement 29 to 8 days before the start of the lease, a cancellation fee of 50 % of the total amount of the rent is payable by the lessee to the lessor.
  • If the lessee withdraws from the lease agreement or cancels the lease agreement 7 days or less before the start of the lease, a cancellation fee of 90 % of the total amount of the rent is payable by the lessee to the lessor.
  • In the event of early return of the vehicle, there is no right to a refund of full or part of the rent.

In the event of a justified failure to provide performance of the vehicle or cancellation of the reservation of the vehicle by the lessor, the lessor will return to the lessee the full amount of deposit and rent. In particular, a situation where the vehicle is not available due to immobility of the vehicle or other malfunction of the vehicle, defects in the vehicle, closure or restriction of the lessor's operation in connection with measures related to any epidemic or other reason not caused by the lessor or due to a temporary or permanent extraordinary, unforeseeable and insurmountable obstacle created independently of the will of the lessor, shall be considered as justified non-provision of the vehicle. The parties have expressly agreed that the Lessee of the Lessee is not entitled to compensation for any damage from the Lessor in the event of a justified failure to provide the vehicle.




  1. By signing the Handover protocol for the motor home, the lessee confirms that he has taken over the vehicle in proper technical condition and that the vehicle did not show signs of damage. He further confirms that he has duly acquainted himself with the vehicle’s operator, that he confirms the receipt of the vehicle’s equipment/accessories, vehicle keys and complete documentation, incl. manual(s) relating to the vehicle and its equipment. He hereby undertakes to return the above within the period specified above. The lessee also undertakes to return the vehicle in the same condition in which it was received. In case of excessive non-cleanliness of the vehicle as well as, for example, non-cleanliness with regard to hygiene and allergies (e.g. animals), the lessee will be charged a fee for cleaning the vehicle in the amount of CZK 3,000 including VAT. The handover takes place at the place and time agreed between the lessee and the lessor, usually at the usual times of Mon-Fri from 8:00 - 16:30. In the event of a delay in returning the vehicle to the lessor within 3 hours of the original agreed period (agreed time), the lessee undertakes to pay the lessor a contractual penalty of CZK 3,000. In the event of a delay in returning the vehicle to the lessor of more than 3 hours from the agreed period (agreed time), the lessee undertakes to pay the lessor a contractual penalty in the amount of the rent for one day of the lease; further, the lessee undertakes to pay the lessor a contractual penalty in the amount of the rent per day of the lease for each subsequent commenced day of delay in returning the car to the lessor after the agreed period (agreed time).
  2. By signing the Handover protocol for the motor home, the lessee further confirms that he has taken over the vehicle with a fully refuelled fuel tank and undertakes to also return the vehicle with a full tank.
  3. When using some of the provided accessories of the vehicle intended for single usage (e.g. first aid kit, fire extinguisher, protective vest), the lessee is obliged to inform the lessor and to reimburse the lessor the cost of acquiring a new one.
  4. The lessee is entitled to use the vehicle for the purpose for which it is normally used, in accordance with generally binding legal regulations. When driving, parking and operating the vehicle, the lessee is obliged to comply with all legal regulations, in particular the regulations governing the operation of vehicles on roads valid in the respective country. The lessee is liable to the lessor for the damage he would cause him by violating this obligation.
  5. The lessee is obliged to take care that the vehicle is not damaged, excessively worn, lost, embezzled or destroyed. The lessee is obliged to report damage, destruction or loss to the lessor without undue delay. Necessary repairs can only be made by a professionally qualified person. Costs associated with the repair shall be borne by the lessor, provided that the damage was not caused by the lessee. For the price of a repair over CZK 2,000 including VAT, the prior consent of the lessor must be requested. In the case of repair and modification of the vehicle without consent of the lessor, the lessee undertakes to pay the lessor a contractual penalty of CZK 5,000 for each individual case. This does not affect the lessor’s right to compensation in excess of this amount.
  6. The lessee does not include in the rental price the provision of a replacement vehicle under any circumstances. The lessor can arrange an offer to rent another, usually ordinary car. The lessee does not include towing or collection of an immovable vehicle in the rental price. An exception is the obligation of the lessor to ensure, at its own expense, towing or picking up of an immovable vehicle in the event that the vehicle is demonstrably immutable through the fault of the lessor. The lessee is not entitled to use the vehicle for commercial purposes, to participate in races and may not use the vehicle to tow other vehicles.
  7. The lessor is not responsible for the loss or damage to the lessee's personal belongings.
  8. It is forbidden:
  • to smoke in all areas of the vehicle;
  • to make any modifications to the interior or exterior of the vehicle;
  • to use open flames (candles, sparklers, etc.) inside the vehicle;
  • to carry objects inside the living area of the vehicle that could damage the interior (bicycles, motorcycles, etc.).
  1. Vehicle insurance covers damage caused by the elements or as a result of an accident, theft or vandalism. The insurance does not cover damage caused by:
  • theft of personal belongings and loss of motorhome / caravan equipment;
  • damage to the awning;
  • damage to the tires;
  • damage to the vehicle’s interior and damage, destruction, loss of motorhome’s / caravan’s accessories (the awning, camping sets, dishes, levelling wedges, extension cables and tools, fire extinguisher, replacement of gas container, carriers of bicycles or bicycles, etc.). 

Vehicle insurance is arranged as insurance with co-participation, which is paid by the lessee upon the occurrence of the insured event. Vehicle insurance does not cover interior equipment incl. awnings, dishes, etc. The co-participation for damage to the vehicle is agreed in the amount of 10 %, at least CZK 10,000 plus VAT for each insured event. In cases where the insurance does not cover the damages, the lessee is liable to the lessor in the full amount of damage.

Vehicle insurance is valid in the following countries: Albania, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Cyprus, Lithuania, Latvia, Luxembourg, Hungary, Macedonia, Malta, Germany, The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Austria, Romania, Greece, Slovakia, Slovenia, Serbia, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom. If the vehicle suffers damage caused by a gross breach of duty by the lessee (alcohol consumption, unauthorized modifications to the vehicle, improper use of the caravan and its equipment, leaving the vehicle with an unauthorized person, etc.), the lessee is obliged to compensate the lessor for damage that will not covered by the insurance company.

The full text of the GTC is available online here.
